Friday, September 7, 2007

Welcome to the Voice of Lyme!

Hi, my name is Kimmie and this is my first post. I am 26-years old and have suffered with chronic Lyme Disease for 7 years. I was misdiagnosed for 5 of those years, and as a result, I have been plagued by many serious health conditions.

I have two secondary infections, one, Babesiosis, which is similar to Malaria. I also suffer from Celiac Disease, a condition in which my body cannot properly absorb nutrients. These conditions have worked together to cause severe arthritis, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, vision problems, insomnia, fevers, extreme thirst, scurvy, and deficiencies in vitamin D and calcium, to name a few. There is not a day that goes by that just about every part of my body doesn't throb. Most recently, we have found that my heart is not functioning properly and is surrounded by fluid. I desperately need to be treated with IV antibiotics, for which, through one claim and one appeal, my insurance company refuses to pay.

I started this Blog to let other Lyme sufferers and your families know that you are NOT alone. There is an awful stigma surrounding Lyme. I myself have been dismissed as a hypochondriac by more doctors than I can count. Thankfully, I have found a wonderful one to treat me. It may feel as if there is no one who will help you. NOT SO...there are treatments and there are people who care!

Most importantly, this blog is to express my belief that there is a God and that He has a plan for each of us. He doesn't make bad things happen, but He allows things to happen as a means to strengthen His people and draw them closer to Himself.

I have spent my entire adult life unable to do most of the things people take for granted. The pain and suffering have seemed unbearable at times. But, in the midst of it all, I have a peace that only the Lord can give. My prayer is that I can help others find the same comfort that I have found.